Kiel University of Applied Sciences

  • SemesterSpring
  • CountryGermany
  • CityKiel

Kiel University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Detailed information via the university website

As the largest Uni­versity of Applied Sci­ences in Schleswig-​Holstein, Kiel has an important role both with the city and within the region: it is an attractor for, and sup­porter of, incoming and out­going spe­cialisms and expertise in the full range of indus­tries: from com­puter and multi-​media to heavy engi­neering to agri­culture, from banking and business ser­vices to social ser­vices. Included in this are the many suc­cessful inter­na­tional part­ner­ships that have been built up over the past decade or so: both aca­demic and professional.

The EPS at Kiel Uni­versity of Applied Sci­ences is hosted by the Depart­ments of Mechanical Engi­neering and Business Man­agement; sup­porting the projects’ organ­i­sation and pro­vision of ser­vices and facil­ities; such as human resources.

Another important insti­tution for stu­dents is the expe­ri­enced Inter­na­tional Office, which will assist in any matter of student support.

Appli­cation infor­mation and other per­tinent infor­mation are on the web. Print out the appli­cation form, com­plete it, and send the form to the address listed on the website.